1901 N. Shoreline
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
No cameras or recording devices are permitted. No smoking is allowed inside the venue. No food or alcoholic beverages allowed to be brought inside.
Prices range from $5 for general parking to $10 for premium parking. Prices may vary and are based on event. Please note other privately owned and controlled lots may charge more.
(361) 826-4100 General Information Box Office Hours - American Bank Center Arena Box Office open M-F 10am-6pm Selena Auditorium Box Office open two hours prior to event time.
Selena Auditorium Box Office open two hours prior to event time.
Customer may pick up will call tickets 2 hours prior to the event. ID required.
For full information about the will call policy at the American Bank Center Selena Auditorium please call
the venue.
Children 2 years of age and above will require a ticket unless otherwise indicated on the event.
This seating chart for the American Bank Center Selena Auditorium is an approximation of the seating arrangemnt at the venue
A list of the next upcoming events playing at the American Bank Center Selena Auditorium - Corpus Christi.